In the event that a student is absent from school, parents/guardians must call the 24 hour attendance line at 610-359-4336 prior to 8:00 a.m. or send an email to An absent student must be called out for each day of absence from school. This communication helps to ensure the safety of the students.
Students, regardless of age, must turn in an absence/lateness/early dismissal note for each absence signed by a parent/guardian. All absences require that a written excuse be submitted to the school within three (3) days of the student’s return to school. Absence/lateness/early dismissal notes may be submitted by a written paper copy given to the main office or electronically as an email attachment to with the following guidelines:
A written absent/lateness/early dismissal note must contain the following information:
Name of the student, homeroom number
Student grade level
The date(s) of the absence/lateness/early dismissal
The reason for the absence/lateness/early dismissal
Parent/Guardian signature
Additional Attendance Information Can Be Found By Clicking HERE.